Why Copy Someone else when you are born to StandOut

When I see a piece of art,what catches my attention is the uniqueness that it offers.I love it when the expression comes out from the soul.The beauty of Life is that we are individuals and every piece of art that makes up our personality is what makes each one of us unique.Too Often we work to suppress who we are to try and fit in.We want to be accepted as being like others but what does that mean? IT means sacrificing who you are only to be less than what you were created to be.

Be authentic.Love the quirky little things you do that make you laugh.Celebrate your passion and share it with the whole world.

Dive into your creativity without regrets and do it with an unyielding fire.Challenge yourself to bring out something unique to this world by being the real YOU.Leave your imprint,not the one belonging to someone else but your very own Signature Image.

Our educational institutions give us a wonderful opportunity to bring out the magic of our unique talents and swirl it across the world.A place where we get to know that we are much more than what people think of us.A place that nurtures us. Don’t ever think that academics is the only field in which you have to excel,it is not the only discovery for which you will be honored, had it been so there would not have been titles like The Master-chef,Noble Prize for Peace,Booker Prize and many more.The list stands endless.If the whole world were born to excel in academics,there would have been a combination of Shakespeare,Aryabhatta and Einstein in every house.But is that so? NO,because what Shakespeare did,no Einstein or Aryabhatta could have ever achieved and so is the reverse of it.

Each one of us is born for a special purpose,Each one of us has that one unique talent which is rare in this world.Within the boundaries of our respective educational institutes, marks are useful but our marks only measure one part of the learning process,they cannot necessarily prove anything about a student’s ability to solve a new problem,work as a team or learn independently.They are just a snapshot of a student’s ability not a panoramic indication of their personality.But that doesn’t suggest that you wont work hard in you academic field,Work hard and Study as if you were to live forever,but don’t lose hope when you roll down from the steps of excelling in your academics,embrace yourself for the unique talents you have and the world will honor you.

If you just rot learn your subjects you might become the topper of your school or college,but the world outside is too intelligent to wipe you out if you don’t have the genuine knowledge. Don’t compare yourself with the people around you. Follow excellence and compete with your own self. Sharpen your own axe if you really wish to slice out a place for yourself in this big world.Each one of us is unique in our own way.Trust yourself and shine out with your own identity,because if you work hard,there is a D Day kept just for you to achieve success.

You will be recognized only if you Standout.


-Pooja Kiran❤

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  1. Puneet Bhatti says:

    Yes absolutely right.


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